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Festival of the Child

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 1:27 pm
by kbob
On May 6th the club had a booth at the Yukon Festival of the Child. For those who don't know, this is a day long event held by the city of Yukon to give kids a chance to come to the park and participate in multiple games, activities and programs. We set up a static display of aircraft and ran 2 real flight simulators all day. It was a big hit with the kids. We estimate over 80 kids (and a few parents) flew the simulators and asked questions. A big thank you to Phillip Owens and Mike Hankins for helping to run the booth. Here are a few pictures from the day.
Mike and Phillip working with the kids.
A couple of the kids flying. The boy on the left was good. He even managed to fly and land the 747 on my machine.
A couple of more kids flying. The one on the left is very interested in aviation.
Booth display.jpg
Here is what our booth and display looked like.